Atwater, P.M.H. L.H.D. “Beyond the Indigo Children” 2005
Blackburn Losey, Meg, Msc.D., Ph.D. “Children of Now” 2007; “Conversations with the Children of Now”; “Parenting the Children of Now.” 2009
Boardway, Janiece, Michael and Tristan. “Journey with the New Children”, recorded monthly teleconference , Voice America, 7th Wave, 2 pm Wednesday, Consultation and Energy Healing for individuals and families.
Boylan, Dr. Richard, Ph.D., “Star Kids” 2005
Carlos, Tracie. “Connors Gift: Embracing Autism in this New Age” 2011
Crawford, Catherine. The Highly Intuitive Child 2009
Day, Peggy & Gale, Susan. “Edgar Cayce on the Indigo Children”, 2004, “Soulful Parenting” 2008
Dosick, Wayne, Ph.D., & Ellen Kaufman Dosick, MSW, “Empowering Your Indigo Child: A handbook for Parents of Children of Spirit.” 2009
Douglas,Gary M. and Dr Dain Heer “Accessing Conscious Kids: The X-Men Class” CD set 2007,
Elliot, Niki, Phd Innerlight Energy Balancing Therapy
Fenn, Celia, “The Indigo Crystal Adventure” E book
Ferris, Laurie. Parent of an energetically sensitive child
Goode, C.B. and Paterson, T. Raising Intuitive Children 2009
Handy, JoQueta. Speech and Motion ,
Jackson, Sharyl – articles about these children based on personal experience as a parent and an educator in the magazine ‘Children of the New Earth’ ( and Planet Lightworker (www.planetlightworker.)
Jacob, Daniel. “The Star Children” 2CD set,
Kuhlewind, George. “Star Children” 2004
Lara, Joanne
Lipton, Bruce, PHD. “Nature, Nurture and the Power of Love: the Biology of Conscious Parenting” 2002 DVD, “The Biology of Belief” 2005
Miller, Suzy “From Autism to Awesomism”
Ober, Clinton, Stephen Sinatra, & Martin Zucker, “Earthing” 2010
Rother, Steve. “Re-member” 2000, chapter 10, “Welcome Home” 2002, page 172, October 15, 2002
Schukar, Celia www.CrystalAngelsCoaching (Certified Parent Coach)
Simonson, Michael.
Stillman, William “Autism and the God Connection” 2006, “Demystifying the Autistic Experience” 2003
Tonetti,E. “Birth As We Know It” DVD Healing Earth Through Healing Birth
Virtue, Doreen “The Crystal Children“, Hay House, 2003 ( based on an analysis of a very large number of parental questionnaires and on angelic messages. “Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children” CD, 2005.